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Indian River County is home to the following 3 Libraries: Indian River County Library, Indian River Law Library, and North Indian River County Library.

Indian River County Main Library is located along Florida's east coast sunny Vero Beach. Their collection consists of over 270,000 items including: books, magazines, newspapers, microfilm, CDs, books on tape, DVDs, and video tapes and. Internet access and many PCs loaded with software are available for research. The Genealogy Department of the Main Library is offers tours of the genealogy department. An overall view of the different areas, including maps, family histories, vertical files, and equipment are given. Indian River County Main Library offers the following classes: Computer Classes, Yoga Classes, Calligraphy Classes, Stamp Art: Instructor, and Quilting Classes.

Indian River Law Library provides legal information services and materials that are responsive to the diverse needs of the community. The Indian River Law Library is dedicated to develop specialized collections and services to address the legal reference, research, educational, and community information needs of library patrons. This Library is administrated by Mary Powell as the Director of Library Services, Cynthia Krupp as the Law Librarian, and Siglinde Preston as Librarian Assistant. Their Primary Our primary resources include: Florida Statutes (and Annotations), Opinions of the Florida Attorney General, Florida Administrative Code, Southern Reporter, and Federal Statutes and Case Law. Finding aids, citators and reference materials include: Florida Digests, Decennial and General Digests, Federal Shepard's Citations, Shepard's Florida Case Names Citator, Shepard's Florida Citations, Legal dictionaries, and Legal encyclopedias.

Contact information:

Indian River County Main Library
1600 21st Street,
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Fax: (772)770-5066

Indian River Law Library
2000 16th St. Suite 119
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Phone (772) 770-5157
Fax: (772)-770-5158
E: mail:


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